With 16 weeks left until the exam, we have 3 fantastic resources for BUSS4 revisionideal for this time of year.

Essential Revision Summariesan essential revision document for students consisting of 39  pages of relevant definitions, theory, concepts, data and, most importantly, real-life business examples and evaluative comments covering each aspect relating to the theme. £29 (+VAT) for unlimited use within the school/college

Revision Exercises / Informal Tests (with answers) on each aspect of the theme – includes:matchmaking (eg definitions), true or false, missing words, mini quizzes, read the article, give me a clue, sort the list and opposites activities – helping to test and consolidate knowledge and make revision fun£29 (+VAT) for unlimited use within the school/college

Mock Examination Papersa set of 3 mock papers with stimulus material (context), with a total of 6 questions to test students on each aspect of the theme in formal exam conditions. It includes detailed model answers and mark schemes£25 (+VAT) for unlimited use within the school/college

“Resources look fantastic again this year – loving the quizzes and the depth of research provided.” Downe House School. 

“This year was a fantastic results year using your material.  My AQA business student went from a predicted Grade E to a B on her Unit 4 paper and was just short of an A.” 
Jane Wood, Tutor. 

The above 3 resources are part of a set of several resources (our Complete Companion) designed for Section A of the AQA A2 Business Studies BUSS4 Examination.

The entire set of these resources (ie APT’s Complete Companion for the BUSS4 Theme) can be purchased at a discounted rate of £85 (+VAT). 

Check out our ‘blog’ posts with many interesting articles useful for the BUSS4 Theme, including ‘HOW TO tackle all the bullet points’ from the research brief.

Please click here to download free sample material for A Level Business Studies and Economics.


by email to office@apt-initiatives.com / online: direct from our website with a debit/credit card or by PayPal  (click here) / by phone with a school order number to 01952 540877