The AQA BUSS4 research theme for 2016 is Technological Change: e-commerce.
For your students to get the best grades possible it is absolutely essential for them to have a really clear understanding of what e-commerce transactions consist of – here are some initial important questions for your students to research and consider:-
What is e-commerce?
- Are all e-commerce transactions conducted over the internet?
- Does e-commerce include orders made by telephone calls, fax or manually typed emails?
- What is EDI?
- What is EFT?
- Do payments for goods/services sold through e-commerce have to take place online?
- Is m-commerce part of e-commerce?
- What is s-commerce and is this part of e-commerce?
- Is e-business the same as e-commerce?
These are ideal, initial research tasks to give to your students to get them to grasp a clear understanding of the theme. We will be including answers to all the above questions within our Complete Companion for use with the theme, which is due to be published by the 30th November and can be pre-ordered now.
Our Companion has everything you and your students need to help them to get the best grades possible.
Click here for further information. Extracts of recent customer feedback is provided below:-
“The theme materials you provided were excellent, and suited every level of teaching.” – Gareth Moran, Rye St Antony School
“My AQA business student went from a predicted Grade E to a B on her Unit 4 paper and was just short of an A.” – Jane Wood, Tutor
“Your BUSS4 resources are proving invaluable and so much more useful than other providers.” – Ian Chapman, Queen Anne’s School
This is just a small sample of the excellent customer feedback we regularly receive.
Price: £85 + VAT for email or download (+ £2.50 for CD) for unlimited use at your school or college.
Pre-order your copy:
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By fax with a school order number to 01952 541230
By post to APT Initiatives Ltd, Millstone Lodge, Eaton Upon Tern, Market Drayton, TF9 2BX