APT will be producing a Complete Context Companion for use with Edexcel’s A Level Pre-released 2017 Context, which is due to be published by Edexcel in early November.
Our COMPLETE CONTEXT COMPANION will be published in January and can be pre-ordered now. It will include 5 separate resources that can be purchased individually, or together at a heavily discounted price:
- PowerPoint presentations for teachers – to launch the context to students and to introduce and / or summarise each aspect.
- Step by step research tasks for students with links to relevant articles – to encourage students to undertake in-depth, independent research on each aspect, with links to relevant articles, and points to consider.
- Detailed investigation into the context for teachers – with relevant theory, data and business examples, and analytical and evaluative comment on each aspect. This includes extracts from numerous articles so there is no having to click on ‘this link here’ and ‘that link there’ to access relevant research / data.
- Essential revision summaries for students – with relevant theory / concepts, data, business examples, and evaluative comments on each aspect.
- Mock exam paper, mark schemes and example model answers – in the same style and format as the sample assessment material produced by Edexcel for the Paper 3 context examination.
Feedback received on resources APT has published to date for use with Pre-Released Contexts and Themes:
“Absolutely outstanding. I call this my ‘Bible’. Your resources are in a different league. It’s worth every penny! A fantastic tool that fully supports teaching and
learning and student progression in great depth and detail! Greatly appreciated! Your work is amazing!”
Laura Pickford, Heworth Grange School, January 2016
Pre-order NOW – to be published January 2017
Price: £85 + VAT for email or download (+ £2.50 for CD) for unlimited use at your school or college.
Pre-order: By Email to office@apt-initiatives.com
On line with a debit/credit card or by PayPal (click here)