Free Extracts from APT’s Theme 1 Papers for Edexcel Economics AS AL Spec A
Click HERE to download our second complimentary resource from our: APT Theme 1 Papers for Edexcel Economics AS AL Spec A. This Second free extract is the Mark Schemes & Example Model Answers from our Interim Paper 1 on 1.1 Nature of Economics.
Our APT Full Resource is constructed to enable students to be formally tested at various key points throughout their study of the theme, as well as upon completion. Hence, there are 3 ‘interim’ papers and 1 ‘end of theme’ paper, together with Mark Schemes and Example Model Answers for each Paper as follows:
- Paper 1 – concerns Nature of Economics (1.1 of the specification subject content).
- Paper 2 – concerns How Markets Work (1.2 of the specification subject content).
- Paper 3 – concerns Market Failure AND Government Intervention (1.3 and 1.4).
- Paper 4 – concerns the entire theme – Markets and Market Failure (1.1 to 1.4).
The four question papers have been written to include questions that test as many areas listed in the specification subject content relating to Theme 1 as possible.
The style and format of each paper is based on the sample assessment material produced by Edexcel for AS Economics A and the papers have been written by a senior examiner for multiple examination boards and experienced teacher of AS and A Level Economics.
What is the Benefit to Teachers? ….. The question papers, mark schemes and detailed example model answers included in this resource will, ultimately:
- minimise the need for you to devise appropriate questions to test your students’ knowledge and understanding at various points throughout their Economics course.
- enable you to test students’ regularly (every 8 to 10 weeks) in a formal examination setting.
- build students’ confidence in sitting AS (and A Level) Economics exams.
- identify any gaps in your students’ knowledge and understanding that need to be re-visited.
- familiarise your students with the skills examiners look for and how to secure high grades.
APT’s Entire Resource for THEME 1: interim and End of Theme Papers, Mark Schemes & Answers on ‘Introduction to Markets & Market Failure’
has been published and is available for IMMEDIATE DISPATCH
Price: £65 + VAT for email or download (+ £2.50 for CD) for unlimited use at your school or college.
We are producing similar resources for Themes 2, 3 and 4, as well as mock examination papers for A Level Papers 1, 2 and 3 for Edexcel Economics Spec A: