Following the Edexcel A Level Business Paper 3 exam, we would love to know how we can fully support you and your students in preparation for this exam next year.
In terms of the resources APT produced for this year’s Edexcel A Level Paper 3 Context, APT’s Complete Context Companion included a Mock Paper with key extracts on Pure Gym and The Gym Groupand data on Fitness First, and so it was great to learn that these businesses were the focus of questions in the actual exam last Friday.
APT’s Mock Paper extracts on The Gym Group’s Statements of Income and its Financial Position would, in particular, have provided plenty of scope for students to practice their calculation of accounting ratios for The Gym Group, and stood candidates in very good stead for one of the 20 mark questions in the actual exam. APT’s coverage of HRM in the Health and Fitness Industry (in APT’s ‘Detailed Investigation for Teachers’ and ‘Revision Summaries for Students’) should also have stood students in very good stead to answer the other 20 mark question on reducing labour turnover.
Some of the other questions were less obviously linked to Edexcel’s pre-released material, and required students to think very hard ‘on the spot’ on the day, although relevant information to help answer these questions – for example – consideration of the effect of changes in exchange rates on decisions regarding expansion overseas, was also included in APT’s Detailed Investigation (for Teachers) and Revision Summaries (for Students).
Following on from the exam last Friday, we are reviewing the resources we produce, and would welcome feedback / suggestions on what you would like to see produced to support you and your students in preparing for this Paper 3 Context exam next year. In addition, if your centre plans to follow the Edexcel GCSE (9-1) Business specification we have two essential assessment resources in the pipeline. These are being launched by 7 September 2017 and can be pre-ordered NOW. SAMPLE material is available upon request or downloading from our website.