A really useful link and starter activity for use with Edexcel A Level Business Paper 3 Context  2018 on the Chocolate Confectionery Market
Our COMPLETE CONTEXT COMPANION can be pre-ordered now.  It will include 6 separate resources that can be purchased individually, or together at a discounted price: 

  • PowerPoint presentations (for teachers) – to introduce the Paper 3 exam context to students, as well as sets of PowerPoints to introduce key aspects relating to the context that students are advised to research in Edexcel’s ‘Pre-release Material’ for this June’s (2018) exam.
  • Step by step research tasks (for students) with links to relevant articles and points to consider – to encourage students to undertake their own research, analysis and revision, in preparation for this year’s Paper 3 exam, in a structured manner.  This covers each of the  bullet points detailed in Edexcel’s ‘Pre-release Material’ for the 2018 Paper 3 exam.  Answers to questions posed in these research tasks can be found in the ‘Detailed Investigation into the Context for Teachers’, as well as the ‘Essential Revision Summaries for Students’ (see below).
  • Detailed investigation into the context (for teachers) – providing in-depth knowledge, evidence, analytical and evaluative comment where applicable, on each aspect advised to be researched in Edexcel’s ‘Pre-release Material’ for the 2018 Paper 3 exam. This includes extracts of relevant articles so there is no having to click on ‘this link here’ and ‘that link there’ to access relevant research.
  • Essential revision summaries (for students) – containing relevant knowledge, evidence, and analytical and evaluative comment where applicable, on each aspect advised to be researched in Edexcel’s ‘Pre-release Material’ for the 2018 Paper 3 exam.  This is a more condensed version of the ‘Detailed Investigation into the Context for Teachers’ (and includes answers to questions posed in the ‘Research Tasks for Students’).   
  • Mock exam paper – in the same style and format as the sample assessment material produced by Edexcel for the A Level Business Paper 3 exam. 
  • Mark scheme and detailed answers – to the mock exam paper.   

Feedback received on resources APT has published to date for use with Pre-Released Contexts, Case Studies and Themes: 

“The theme materials you provided were excellent and suited every level of teaching.  I only wish that I had ordered earlier in the year ”
Gareth Moran, Rye St Antony School

 Pre-order NOW  – to be published February 2018

Price: £85 + VAT for email or download (+ £2.50 for CD).