We have published a set of 13 PowerPoint Presentations, written by a highly experienced teacher (of 25+ years), senior examiner and reviser for Maths and Stats examinations, are designed for use by any teacher – not necessarily a maths specialist – as part of their own delivery of lessons, as well as students working independently. They can be used by cover teachers, and students who are unable to attend their lesson in person. Each PowerPoint Presentation includes:
- Lesson objectives
- Step-by-step explanations of the subject matter
- Examples to aid understanding
- Questions to check understanding
- Answers to questions, with explanations
- Suggestions regarding which topic(s) should be moved on to next.
Click here to order and view sample material
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This set of 13 PowerPoint Presentations (143 slides, excluding Title Pages) covers the following fraction-based topics:
01 The Basics (12 slides): Recognising and writing different types of fractions.
02 Converting between Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions (15 slides): Defines numerator and denominator and that the line in the fraction represents division. Explains how to convert between mixed numbers and improper fractions.
03 Equivalent Fractions (9 slides): Explains how to find equivalent fractions and cancel fractions down.
04 Express as Fractions (9 slides): Explains how to express one value as a fraction of another.
05 Comparing and Ordering Fractions (21 slides): Reviewing equivalent fractions and introducing fraction to decimal conversions in order to compare fractions or put them in size order.
06 Recurring Decimals to Fractions (10 slides): Explains, using algebra, how to convert a recurring decimal to a fraction.
07 Adding and Subtracting Fractions (13 slides): Explains how to add and subtract fractions as well as mixed numbers.
08 Multiplying with Fractions (10 slides): Explains how to multiply fractions as well as mixed numbers.
09 Dividing with Fractions (8 slides): Explains how to divide fractions as well as mixed numbers.
10 Fractions of Quantities (10 slides): Explains how to calculate fractions of quantities.
11 Fractional Change (8 slides): Explains how to calculate an amount after a fractional change.
12 Solving Reverse Fraction Problems (8 slides): Explains how to calculate an original amount prior to a fractional change.
13 Algebraic Fractions (10 slides): Demonstrates how the rules of calculating with fractions can be applied to algebraic fractions.
Please note:
Work on fractional indices will be included in APT’s set of PowerPoints on ‘Types of Number‘.
More in-depth work on fraction-decimal-percentage conversions will be included in APT’s set of PowerPoints on ‘Ratios, Percentages and Proportion‘.
These are one of several sets of PowerPoint Presentations, which essentially relate to the ‘number’ section of the Maths specifications. These other sets of PowerPoints concern:
- Integers and Decimals
- Estimating & Approximating
- Percentages, Ratios & Proportion.
Information on these (and other) resources for GCSE (and Key Stage 3). Maths will be posted on our website as and when they become available.
online: direct from our website using a debit or credit card or PayPal account (click here).