APT’s NEW Multiple Choice Questions for OCR GCSE 9-1 Business are being published and despatched on Tuesday 26th November.
APT’s 480 multiple choice questions (and answers) consist of 240 MCQs (16 sets of 15 questions) for Business 1 on Business Activity, Marketing and People and 240 MCQs (16 sets of 15 questions) for Business 2 on Operations, Finance and Influences on Business. They enable students to be tested regularly throughout their study of each component (ie Business 1 and Business 2), as well as at the very end of each component. There are also supporting explanations for every question posed – to help consolidate students’ knowledge and understanding of the subject. Each set of 15 questions can easily be answered, marked and discussed in a single 25-35 minute lesson (allowing a maximum of 15 minutes to complete the 15 questions), or they can be issued to students to complete as a short homework activity.
Further samples can be accessed from our website by clicking HERE and further details on the components of each set of 240 MCQs.
Component 1: 240 Interim and End of Component Multiple Choice Questions on Business activity, marketing and people – Printable Tests £75 (+vat)
Component 1: 240 Interim and End of Component Multiple Choice Questions on Business activity, marketing and people – Interactive PowerPoints £85 (+vat)
Component 1: 240 Interim and End of Component Multiple Choice Questions on Business activity, marketing and people – Printable Tests AND Interactive PowerPoints £145 (+vat)
Component 2: 240 Interim and End of Component Multiple Choice Questions on Operations, finance and influences on business – Printable Tests £75 (+vat)
Component 2: 240 Interim and End of Component Multiple Choice Questions on Operations, finance and influences on business – Interactive PowerPoints £85 (+vat)
Component 2: 240 Interim and End of Component Multiple Choice Questions on Operations, finance and influences on business – Printable Tests AND Interactive PowerPoints £145 (+vat)
ORDER today:
by email to office@apt-initiatives.com
on line with a debit/credit card or by PayPal at www-apt-initiatives.com