Revision & Research Leads Booklet and Information Sheets (Part 2 & 3) NOW PUBLISHED
from APT’s Complete Context Companion for Edexcel A Level Business Paper 3 Exam on the ‘Market for Entertainment’
APT’s Complete Context Companion provides plenty of Practice Assessment Material, which is all specific to this year’s context. It includes a set of Exam Practice Worksheets with stimulus material and plenty of exam-style questions with detailed mark scheme / answers, all specific to the market for entertainment. This is in addition to a full Practice (Mock) Exam Paper, as well as some initial Research Leads and Information Sheets to familiarise students with the context. At £85 (+vat) for a downloadable resource available for multiple use within the purchasing institution, it costs far less than the cost for a teacher to attend a course, or for a small group of students to attend a revision seminar on this particular exam, as well as being far less time consuming and more convenient to access.
APT’s Complete Context Companion is published in stages and will include the following 7 components:
- PART 1 An Introductory PowerPoint Presentation– introducing the requirements of the Edexcel A Level Business Paper 3 exam, including lessons learnt from previous examinations, and key aspects relating to the context that students are advised to research in Edexcel’s Pre-release Material.
published: Thursday 19th December
- PART 2 Revision and Research Leads Booklet– providing links to relevant research that can be accessed freely on the Internet, for students to independently undertake prior research into the 2020 context, as well as identifying topics in the Edexcel A Level Business Specification that are considered particularly relevant to this context.
- PART 3 Information Sheets relating to the 8 bullet points students are advised to research in Edexcel’s ‘Pre-release Material’– providing relevant research that can be drawn upon in the exam to help write well-contextualised answers and balanced arguments, which is crucial to secure high grades.
published: Monday 27th January
- PART 4a EXAM PRACTICE WORKSHEETS with STIMULUS MATERIALand a Range of EXAM-STYLE QUESTIONS relevant to the context – providing students with plenty of practice in using evidence from the stimulus material (as well as their own research findings) to write balanced arguments with logical chains of reasoning to exam-style questions, as they progress through their research of the theme and not just at the end.
- PART 4b Comprehensive Answers to the above Worksheets.
- PART 5a A Full Practice (Mock) Exam Paper – written in the same style and format as previous examinations set by Edexcel for the A Level Business Paper 3 exam, with space for students to write down their answers.
- PART 5b Detailed Mark Scheme / Answersto the above Practice (Mock) Exam Paper.
Target publication date for these final 4 components: Friday 14th February
Customer Feedback Specific to APT’s Companions for Edexcel’s Pre-released Paper 3 Context Exam:
“The worksheets are fantastic – a brilliant new addition for this year and my students (and me) are loving them” C Lutwyche, 2019
“Many thanks – Excellent resources” Jonathan Maynard, 2019
“Your hard work on these research tasks is very much appreciated, I couldn’t prepare the students as well as we do without your excellent resources” B Moore, 2019
“Thank you so much for the amazing resources supporting Edexcel Paper 3 Context – they are a godsend.” H Bridge, 2018
“Lots of excellent research links and relevant questions– thanks!” Phil Braithwaite, Leyton, 2018
Thanks so much! What a pity his school did not use this – it is brilliant! Kate, Private Tutor, 2018
“This year was a fantastic results year using your material. My business student went from a predicted Grade E to a B on her paper and was just short of an A.” Jane Wood, 2017
Click HERE for more details on our website, where sample pages will also be uploaded in due course.
Price: £85 (+vat). For centres who hold an account with us who would like to order the resource and be invoiced (as opposed to ordering and paying for the resource online), invoices will be sent (payable within 30 days) when the first component of the Complete Context Companion is despatched to centres.
ORDER today:
by email to office@apt-initiatives.com
on line with a debit/credit card or by PayPal at www-apt-initiatives.com