Initiatives Ltd
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apt4Maths: 11 GCSE & KS3 Maths (Number) Lesson PowerPoint Presentations on Place Value & Approximations


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This set of 11 Lesson PowerPoint Presentations, written by a highly experienced teacher (of 25+ years), senior examiner and reviser for Maths and Stats examinations, are designed for use by:

  • any teacher – not necessarily a maths specialist – as part of their own delivery of lessons.
  • students working independently.

They can be used by:

  • cover teachers.
  • students who are unable to attend their lesson in person.

Each PowerPoint Presentation includes:

  • Lesson objectives
  • Step-by-step explanations of the subject matter
  • Examples to aid understanding
  • Questions to check understanding
  • Answers to questions, with explanations
  • Suggestions regarding which topic(s) should be moved on to next.

These are one of several sets of Lesson PowerPoint Presentations, which essentially relate to the ‘number’ section of the Maths specifications. These other sets concern:

  • Calculations
  • Fractions
  • Percentages

Product Information

This set of 11 Lesson PowerPoint Presentations for GCSE (and Key Stage 3) Maths (130 slides, excluding Title Pages) covers the following place value and approximations based topics:

  • 01 Place Value – Integers (10 slides): Reviews place value columns and how to read and write whole numbers.
  • 02 Place Value – Decimals (10 slides): Reviews place value columns and how to read and write decimal numbers.
  • 03 Order and Compare Numbers (10 slides): Explains techniques for putting numbers (integers and decimals) into (ascending and descending) order, and how to use the inequality symbols when comparing two numbers.
  • 04 Multiply and Divide by Powers of Ten (16 slides): Explains how to multiply or divide whole numbers and decimals by 10, 100, 1000, etc.
  • 05 Standard (Index) Form (17 slides): Explains why standard (index) form is used, how to read and write values in standard form, and how calculators are used with this format.
  • 06 Approximations – Rounding (18 slides): Explains how to approximate by rounding to the nearest 10, 100, 1000, etc.
  • 07 Approximations – Decimal Places (8 slides): Explains how to approximate to a fixed number of decimal places.
  • 08 Approximations – Significant Figures (8 slides): Explains how to approximate to a fixed number of significant figures.
  • 09 Estimating / Checking Answers (11 slides): Explains how to use approximations to estimate or check answers.
  • 10 Error Intervals (13 slides): Explains how to find the error intervals of numbers which have been approximated or truncated.
  • 11 Error Bounds (9 slides): Explains how to find the minimum and maximum possible values of answers to questions involving approximated or truncated values.


  • Work on multiplying and dividing by powers of ten as well as standard form is also included in the ‘Calculations‘ Pack.

Download Sample Material

apt4Maths PowerPoint on Approximations - Decimal Places

Key Information

The purchase of this resource comes with a licence to make the resource available in digital and / or in print form (including photocopying) to the staff and students attending the purchasing institution, ie the individual school / college on a single site.

The resource may be distributed via a secure virtual learning environment. It must not be made available on any public or insecure website or other platform.

The resource must not be distributed to other institutions that are members of the same academy chain or similar organisation; each individual institution must purchase their own copy of the resource direct from APT Initiatives Ltd.

The resource (or any part of the resource) must not be distributed to any other individual or organisation in any form, or by any means. Any person who does any unauthorised act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages.

Need help purchasing?

Email sales@apt-initiatives.com or call us on 01952 540877