Edexcel AS/A Level Economics A 4 Interim & End of Theme Papers on The UK Economy – Performance & Policies (Theme 2)
From £65.00 ex VAT
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This resource consists of 4 question papers, with detailed mark schemes / example model answers, that enable students to be formally tested at regular intervals throughout their study of the theme, as well as upon completion. Hence, there are 3 ‘interim’ papers and 1 ‘end of theme’ paper, as follows:
- Paper 1 – concerns Measures of Economic Performance (Section 2.1 of the specification subject content)
- Paper 2 – concerns Aggregate Demand, Aggregate Supply AND National Income (Sections 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 of the specification subject content)
- Paper 3 – concerns Economic Growth AND Macroeconomic objectives and policies (Sections 2.5 and 2.6)
- Paper 4 – concerns the entire theme – The UK Economy – Performance & Policies (2.1 to 2.6)
The ‘end of theme’ paper is ideal for a mock exam for AS Paper 2, or an end of first year exam for A Level.
The papers have been written by a senior examiner for multiple examination boards and experienced teacher of AS and A Level Economics.
Interim and End of Theme Papers are also available for Theme 1, Theme 3 and for Theme 4.
Product Information
These question papers, mark schemes and example model answers:
- minimise the need for teachers to devise appropriate questions to test students’ knowledge and understanding.
- enable teachers to test students regularly – approximately every 8 to 10 weeks, in a formal exam setting.
- build students’ confidence in sitting exams.
- identify gaps in students’ knowledge and understanding which students need to re-visit.
- familiarise students with the skills examiners look for and, most importantly, how they can secure high grades.
Structure, Style and Format:
The structure, style and format of each paper is based on the sample assessment material produced by Edexcel for AS Economics A (published in 2014, for first teaching from 2015). Therefore, each 90 minute paper carries 80 marks and contains 2 sections:
- Section A comprises multiple-choice and short-answer questions.
- Section B comprises one data response question divided into parts. This includes a choice of extended open-response questions, where students select one from two.
The questions provide students with exam practice across Edexcel’s 4 assessment objectives, according to Edexcel’s requirements at AS. Therefore, 28-30% of the questions test students’ knowledge and understanding (A01), 28-30% test students’ ability to apply knowledge and understanding (A02), 20-22% test students’ ability to analyse (A03), and 20-22% test students’ ability to evaluate (A04).
The question papers include appropriate spacing for students to write down their answers.
For questions worth 10 or more marks, which use ‘Level Descriptors’, the answers:
- are written in paragraphs, instead of a list of relevant points anticipated to be raised in the answer.
- cite evaluation immediately after the other 3 assessment objectives, instead of separately. This makes it easy to follow answers through to their completion and mark students’ work.
- include annotations that show where individual assessment objectives have been met: ‘Kn’ is used for knowledge and understanding, ‘Ap’ for application, ‘An’ for analysis and ‘Ev’ for evaluation.
- IET Papers for Edexcel AS & A Level Economics
“As a resource to assess both knowledge development and examination skills, these papers are fantastic. They allow pupils to gain a true insight into the nature of the economics papers and have allowed me to have meaningful conversations about examination technique from a much earlier stage in the course. The mark schemes and model answers make for a package which represents great value for money." Mark Seccombe, Pangbourne College
"I think that the Economics by Theme Interim and End of Theme papers are excellent and would love to see them for Edexcel GCE Business too." Clare Lutwyche, Prior's Field School
"We have found them really useful - thank you! The data you have used is varied and excellent, and very topical". Philip Braithwaite, Leyton
“They are excellent resources!” “The resources are invaluable and are being used all the time now!! If you produced another set of linear and themed I would also buy them”. Jackie Campbell, Head of economics, St Swithun's School
“Fantastic resource! I have just had clearance that I can order the other sets.” Imogen Tansley, Northampton High School
“These are perfect - we look forward to receiving others.” Mr A White, The Joseph Whitaker School