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Edexcel AS/A Level Economics A Interim Practice Paper on Markets & Market Failure (Theme 1)

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This resource contains the 1st paper of a set of 4 ‘Interim and End of Theme Papers’ concerning Theme 1: Introduction to Markets and Market Failure of the Edexcel AS and A Level Economics A Specification. The full set of 4 papers can be purchased from APT’s website: www.apt-initiatives.com

Product Information

The full set of 4 question papers, with detailed mark schemes / example model answers, have been constructed to enable students to be formally tested at various key points throughout their study of the theme, as well as upon completion. Hence, there are 3 ‘interim’ papers and 1 ‘end of theme’ paper, as follows:

• Paper 1 – concerns Nature of Economics (1.1 of the specification subject content).
• Paper 2 – concerns How Markets Work (1.2 of the specification subject content) – not included
• Paper 3 – concerns Market Failure AND Government Intervention (1.3 and 1.4) – not included
• Paper 4 – concerns the entire theme – Markets and Market Failure (1.1 to 1.4) – not inculded**

The ‘end of theme’ paper is ideal for a mock exam for AS Paper 1, or an end of first year exam for A Level.

The papers have been written by a senior examiner for multiple examination boards and experienced teacher of AS and A Level Economics.

Download Sample Material

1st Interim Paper (of 4) for Edexcel AS AL Economics A, Theme 1

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