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OCR GCSE Business (J204) 15 Multiple Choice Questions with Explanations on Business Activity, Marketing and People (Business 1) – Printable Tests

Product Code: 15of240MCQOGBB1-Printable Category:


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This resource is 1 of 16 sets of 15 printable questions to test students’ core knowledge and understanding of the subject content required to be covered for OCR GCSE (9-1) Business – Business 1: Business Activity, Marketing and People (01). There is also an interactive version available – for use on a computer for students to complete in their own time, or during class as a group exercise. The full set of 240 multiple-choice questions can be purchased from APT’s website: www.apt-initiatives.com.

Product Information

The full set of 240 questions contains 16 sets of 15 questions (worth 15 marks) as follows:

6 tests relating to Topic 1 Business activity, which comprise:

1 test on 1.1 The role of business enterprise and entrepreneurship and 1.2 Business planning combined
2 tests on 1.3 Business ownership and 1.4 Business aims and objectives combined
2 tests on 1.5 Stakeholders in business and 1.6 Business growth combined
1 ‘end of topic’ test on Business activity

4 tests relating to Topic 2 Marketing, which comprise:

1 test on 2.1 The role of marketing, 2.2 Market research and 2.3 Market segmentation combined
2 tests on 2.4 The marketing mix
1 ‘end of topic’ test on Marketing

5 tests relating to Topic 3 People, which comprise:

2 tests on 3.1 The role of human resources and 3.2 Organisational structures and different ways of working combined
1 test on 3.3 Communication in business and 3.4 Recruitment and selection combined
1 test on 3.5 Motivation and retention, 3.6 Training and development and 3.7 Employment law combined
1 ‘end of topic’ test on People

1 ‘end of entire component’ test on Business Activity, Marketing and People (01), which could form part of a practice (mock) exam paper for Paper 1.

The resource, therefore, enables students to be tested throughout their study of topics covered in class, as well as at the very end of their study of Component 1 (01) of the OCR GCSE (9-1) Business specification.

Supporting explanations are provided for every question – helping to consolidate students’ knowledge and understanding. These supporting explanations are especially helpful to students using the Interactive (PowerPoint) version of the resource, independently outside the classroom environment.

Each set of 15 questions can easily be answered, marked and discussed in a single 25-35 minute lesson (allowing a maximum of 15 minutes to complete the 15 questions), or they can be issued to students to complete as a short homework activity.

Download Sample Material

15 MCQs for OCR GCSE 9-1 Business (J204) - Printable

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