An Introductory PowerPoint Presentation – to introduce the requirements of the Edexcel A Level Business Paper 3 exam, including lessons learnt from previous examinations, and key aspects relating to the context that students are advised to research in Edexcel’s Pre-release Material.  It is estimated it will take around 45 to 60 minutes to present this information to students, or for students to read through and digest independently.  It comprises the following sections:

  1. OVERVIEW: provides an overview of what the Paper 3 Exam concerns / involves in general. (4 slides)
  2. STRUCTURE: outlines the typical structure of the exam paper. (2 slides)
  3. REQUIREMENTS: explains what students are required to demonstrate to achieve high grades, including lessons learnt from previous Paper 3 examinations. (13 slides)
  4. PREPARATION: outlines what students should be doing to prepare for the exam, in terms of revision and research into this year’s context. (7 slides)
  5. THE 2019 CONTEXT: details the 4 key areas students are advised to research in Edexcel’s pre-release brief (2 slides) and provides initial points for students to consider, research and make notes on in relation to these 4 areas. (12 slides)     

The Complete Context Companion will also include: 

  • Links to Relevant Research– eg to industry research booklets and posts and newspaper articles published on the Internet) – for students to independently access and read through to build up knowledge and understanding of the context.
  • Information Sheets– containing key facts and figures and essential business theory relating to the context – to provide relevant research that can be drawn upon in the exam to help write balanced arguments and ensure accurate and thorough knowledge and understanding of Edexcel A Level Business specification concepts that are particularly relevant to this year’s context.
  • WORKSHEETS with STIMULUS MATERIAL and EXAM-STYLE QUESTIONS – relevant to the context – to provide students with practice in using evidence provided in stimulus material (as well as their own research findings) to write balanced arguments with logical chains of reasoning to exam-style questions – as they progress through their research of the theme and not just at the end.
  • Comprehensive Answers to the above Worksheets.

Target publication date of the above 4 resources:  31st January

  • A Full Practice (Mock) Exam Paper – written in the same style and format as previous examinations set by Edexcel for the A Level Business Paper 3 exam, with space for students to write down their answers.
  • Mark Schemes with Detailed Answersto the practice (mock) exam paper.

Target publication date: 13th February

Customer Feedback on our Companions to date for the Pre-released Paper 3 Context Exam: 

“Thank you so much for the amazing resources supporting Edexcel Paper 3 Context – they are a godsend.” H Bridge, March 2018

“Lots of excellent research links and relevant questions– thanks!” Phil Braithwaite, Leyton, May 2018